Are You Committing Interruption 'Push' Egocentric Mass Marketing Mistakes?

We Want To Empower you So You Don't *Need* Us

You’re you’re a startup founder or business owner/executive. You’d be forgiven if you were not conversant about how the Internet and Web 2.0 empowered buyers and changed marketing *forever*. 

Many Companies Believe That Appealing To The Widest Possible Demographic Will Equal Profits.

A Big Demographic Doesn’t Equal Profits. It Equals *Competition*. Not Only Are There More Competitors For Non-Differentiated Products And Services, But Consumers – Who Are Overwhelmed With Choices – See You As ‘Just Like Everybody Else’. The Wins You *Do* Get Are Divided By More Players.

We Help Clients Embrace What Makes Them Different. When They Find Their ‘North Star’, They Appeal To A Hitherto ‘Invisible’ Market. Differentiation Makes Our Clients Thought Leaders, With A *Monopoly*.

Access To Powerful Marketing Tools Has Convinced Those Who Understand The *Technology* Of Marketing That They They Are *Actually* Marketing.

They Are Not.

Marketing Has Never Required The Combination Of Psychology, Creativity, Inspiration, And Philosophy That It Does Today – Beyond ‘Tech Chops’ Basics. Understanding Aggregate Human Behavior And Motivations Is For *Heavyweights*. Our Work *Begins* With Fixing  The Simple Technology Of A Marketing Stack. We’re Tech-Fluent.

Understanding How Various Conversion Factors (Average Conversion Time, Conversion Threshold) Indicate Certain ‘Funnel Tops’ (Paid Or Organic, Social Or Web Copy, Etc.) Is Complicated. It’s Like A Fisherman/woman Knowing Where Fish Are Biting, And When.

But Even If One Knows Which ‘Lake’ To Fish In, He Won’t Catch Anything Without *Bait*! The ‘Bait’ Is Lead Magnets (Content) At Funnel Tops (Social, Ads, Even SEO). 

We Are Experts At Deciding Where To ‘Fish’, Depending On Multiple Variables, And Preparing You With Inspired Content. 

Every Year, A New Form Of ‘Interruption Marketing’ Appears (Influencer, Programmatic, Etc.), But The Approach Stays The Same: A Pushy, 1950’s Madison Avenue-Era Mentality. 

Mediocre Marketers Follow The Trend, And Wins Are Split. The Tools Change; The Thinking And The Psychology Typically Do Not.

The Enduring Wins Go To Marketing Thinkers: Those Who Know Sales Are Buyer-Driven, That Buyers Hate Ads, And Therefore That Vendors Need Buyer-Centric Content.

So, You Managed To Get Traffic Without Offers In Your Funnel Tops; Maybe The Targeting Was Exceptional, Or Timing Was Lucky.

That Traffic Will *Bounce*, Or *Exit* Your Site If The Site Itself And Content On It Aren’t *The Best* Out There. That’s What Buyers, And Google, Are Looking For.

Unlike A Brick-And-Mortar Shop, Internet Search And Business From It Are ‘Winner Take All’. *Everybody* Wants The Best.

If This Isn’t You, Your Company Will Only Get The Business Rejected By More Popular Companies (Because They Can’t Handle The Workload). It’s A Brutal Truth, But Should Inspire You To Raise Your Content ‘Game’.

In Your Effort To Explain What You Do And Who You Are To Traffic And Leads, You End Up Talking About Yourself. 90% Of Websites Are Digital ‘Brochures’. But Nobody Likes To Hear Others Talk About Themselves. 

It *Seems* Like Your Need To Sell A Product Aligning With A Buyer’s Need Is Justification To ‘Sell’ Them. But It’s Not. Look Closer. Nobody Likes Ads. They Don’t Like Phone Calls. They Don’t Like Unsolicited Emails. 

The Buyer Journey Is Buyer-Driven. Even If You Have A Solution For Them, Interrupting Their Buyer Journey (Google Search, Research) To ‘Sell’ Them Doesn’t Work. The Buyer Journey Begins And Ends With Buyer Choice.

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