Zen Marketing Thought: It's A Long-Tail World We Just Live In It
Your content will be far less visible if it’s not specific, and if you don’t follow at least minimum best practices (H1 tags, metatags, image tags, page naming conventions; fast platform speed; quality useful content), you will be competing with a competitive and flooded market.

The Internet has made available almost unlimited options for buyers.
Finding the specific thing a given buyer is seeking requires chains of descriptors, qualifiers, and adjectives. The more of these, the more specific the search results.
And for you, the company or vendor, the better your chances of visibility on that SERP or Search Engine Results Page, are.
So, when you’re putting out content, be specific. Bother to use aligning and appropriate H1, meta, and page name tags.
You want to compete at the end of the long tail, out where there are fewer competitors.
It’s never been more important not just to differentiate those options with language on the Internet, but in initial product or service offerings.
The ‘long tail’ is an explanation of how specificity reduces competition.