Why FlashPointLabs?
As a firm founded by people with ‘tech chops’ (network admins, startup product managers, database administrators), we have taken marketing technology to the limits. It is suited for *mitigating losses*, not *Producing wins*. That is achieved by creating content so valuable, helpful, and relevant, it drives traffic, sales, and shares, and builds trust and credibility, making our clients thought leaders. ‘Analysis’, from Greek, literally means ‘to break down’. So, you can count beans all day, or you can grow whole new fields of beans.
Our Consultants Think Differently And Achieve The Impossible

Through our structure and process, we achieve outcomes typically inversely related, for example: “The greater the quantity, the lower the quality”.
- Our consultants take one client at a time. It lets us absorb your voice, and not waste time switching between clients.
- Our consultants are the single engagement through-point, enabling project speed, cohesion, and accountability.
- Our consultants have end-to-end marketing skills, so things gets done, efficiently, and not handed-off.
- Our consultants’ functional experience spans managerial to technical, and creative to analytical.
- We’re knowledgeable about technology, making us a natural fit for tech startups who need efficiency and results.
- Clients are ‘inside a wine bottle, unable to read their own label’. Their input informs messaging, and they approve creatives, but they are not involved in the process of our work. We are painters, not paintbrushes, permitting efficiency.
- We recognized that digital marketing is very much like software development; their tools, processes, and platforms are mutable, and editable. This permits Lean and Agile methodologies that put execution ahead of meetings and planning.
- We reject the standard 2% paid search click-through rate, and embrace the reality of the buyer-driven sales cycle. We combined best practices with content that pulls clients, rather than pushing unwanted and costly ads on buyers.