I Can Tell You How To Make Your Marketing Hum!

My name is Zack West. I’m a former tech professional who started a marketing agency over a decade ago. As an agency marketer, I have had to constantly deliver wins.

  • I’m offering an outside take on your marketing operation, at no cost.
  • You don’t have to share anything – this is based entirely on publicly available information. 
  • Best of all: I can get this back to you know 24 hours. 


Comprehensive Marketing Health Checkup ($599 Value)

Bonus Report 1: Messaging Drill-Down

Offers, Offer Ladders, Brand Story, Messaging ($299 Value)

Bonus Report 3: Drill-Down Into 'Four P's'

Product, Placement, Pricing, Positioning ($299 Value)

Step 1: Intake Form

Free Offer Signup



Bryan James
Bryan James
President, MBS Engineering
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We got results like we never would have imagined. Our traffic went from 1,500 unique hits a month, with little engagement, to 30,000, with the same modest AdWords budget.
Roland Matte
Roland Matte
President, BullStaffing.Co
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FlashPoint was able to affordably redesign our website and get us started with simple content, for a great price.
Jason Olbourne
Jason Olbourne
A Million Mums
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We were delighted with the web design and hosting provided by FlashPointLabs.
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