selective consumption economy, thank you economy

How Marketing Since Web 2.0 Changed Everything, And Made Content King

How Marketing Since Web 2.0 Changed Everything, And Made Content King At some point between 2008 and 2010, marketing changed. The advent of smart phones, user-generated content, and dynamic social media feeds prompted a revolution in communication speed and volume. It also passed the microphone from vendors and companies, to The People. Those clinging to …

How Marketing Since Web 2.0 Changed Everything, And Made Content King Read More

Marketing Technologies Applied To Legacy Attitudes Have Weaponized Marketing

Marketing Technologies Weaponized Marketing Marketing stacks and technology promised to provide intelligent, signal-responsive, targeting – to basically ‘mind read’ – and thoughtfully match us to helpful products and services. It was to be a long-awaited era of enlightenment and courtesy. This did not happen. In fact, the opposite happened. Marketing was weaponized, and the spoils …

Marketing Technologies Applied To Legacy Attitudes Have Weaponized Marketing Read More